Words of Wisdom After 60 Years of Marriage Pt1

There’s an old country song that holds a special meaning between my husband and I. In fact, I tear up every time I hear it (including right now). It evokes thoughts of love overcoming all odds, an enduring marriage and a deep connection that lasts beyond even our final breaths.

I read a blog post by Lisa at Club 31 Women today called “6 Words of Wisdom: The Best Advice From 60 Years of Marriage” that brought my mind back to that song. In the post, Lisa’s dad shared what it takes to enjoy 60 years of marriage. Be sure to read the original post by clicking on the title of her blog post! It is simply great. I want to grab this husband’s words of wisdom and expand on them a bit, from my newlywed perspective. Today I’ll expand on the first 2, and will take on the rest in Pt 2 and Pt 3 posts!

60yr Old Marriage Lesson 1_PinkSo here we see that this husband says, “We knew that we were to love one another as God loves us.” Hmmm…

Despite my sincere love for my husband, SOMETIMES loving him as God loves me takes work. Don’t get me wrong: he is a TRULY remarkable man! AND we ARE still savoring that fresh newlywed love 🙂 But despite those things, on occasion I let my stresses, tiredness, stubbornness, PMS, etc control my mouth and expressions instead of letting LOVE rule my tongue and mind, in submission to Christ. It’s shamefully easy to respond “in the flesh”, isn’t it? Hey, I’m just being real! I just need to continually and prayerfully bring myself back to “Life’s Manual,” with my marriage and my incredible husband in mind. God loves me – AND loves him – without reservation, in the midst of every one of our flaws. So grateful for that! Ladies, when we find ourselves responding to our husbands in a way that doesn’t reflect love, let’s be QUICK to apologize and move forward! Tell him you’re sorry and show that man of yours some love! Okay…onto #2….

60yr Old Marriage Lesson 2_PinkKeeping score and holding grudges is toxic to any relationship. As Christians, our hearts know the perfect example of selfless forgiveness. The enemy would love nothing more than to blind our eyes and smother our hearts with veils of unforgiveness and bitterness. They stifle intimacy, stomp on grace and rob futures. These things are obvious no matter the longevity of our marriages thus far! Still, in the moment it may be tempting to try and keep a tight death grip around “being right” and staying in control. Psst! IT’S NOT WORTH IT! Let INTIMACY be the continued goal that always trumps being “right.” Forgive. Pursue peace. Pursue each other through it all.

As simply put as these points are, they serve as fantastic reminders and pose very achievable goals that clearly support a long lasting, beautiful marriage. Did they challenge you? Let’s hear your thoughts 🙂

I’d love to pray for you and your marriage! If you have a prayer request, feel free to include it in the comments below or email me directly at Newlywedloveblog@writeme.com



PS: Here are just a few of MANY scriptures that describe God’s love, and how we should love one another!

“…My unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed from you.” Isa 54:10  // “…The people You’ve redeemed, You lead in merciful love.” Exodus 15:13  //  “There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out all fear…” 1 John 4:18  // “Love covers all transgressions.” Proverbs 10:12  //  “But God demonstrated His love for us, in that while we were yet sinners [and we did not deserve it] Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8  //  “The Lord your God is with you…He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you by His love, He will exalt over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 // “Love is patientkindrejoices with the truthbares all things, believes the besthopes, enduresnever fails…” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Hello, Married Life!

I am a newlywed who doesn’t have being a great wife completely figured out yet. I feel like  in my short time of being married thus far (since November 2014), I have fallen short many times – and I have no problem admitting it! 

Upon saying, “I do,” surprisingly enough I was not immediately tapped by that invisible Fairy Godmother wand that was suppose to magically transform me into the ideal wife! I guess that means the type of wife, helpmate, best friend and lover that I will be to my husband is solely up to me.

Which brings me to the reason I created this blog! My heart’s desire is to invest into and nurture my marriage well. I want us to be one of those couples who’s Newlywed Love is something that is, though imperfect, dream worthy and memorable because we both make a conscious decision to nurture and enjoy it everyday. Now, part of the problem is that…well, despite the way I WANT to be, I know I can be selfish, easily aggravated and disorganized at times; attributes that don’t feed a marriage well haha. Just being real with ya! I don’t get it ALL wrong in my marriage but I have my moments of not handling things correctly. So I’ve  spent time over the past few months scouring through resources — on romance, intimacy, finances, conflict, positive compromise, and growing in faith together in marriage, among many other related topics — online and in books, as well as asking older and wiser wives about their marriage advice. Several times while seeking to soak in wedded wisdom, TWO thoughts have continued to come to mind: 1.) I should put everything I’m reading and learning and thinking about marriage in one place so that I can reference it easily when I need encouragement, marriage advice, or ideas on how to better show love to my husband, etc. 2.) MAYBE there are other newlyweds out there who could benefit from having all of that kind of stuff in one place too…. And so, friend, as I fill this blog with resources, tips and thoughts on all things marriage I pray that you find it to be both helpful and personally edifying. Let’s lift each other up as we strive to be the wives God has so intentionally fashioned us to be! Let’s journey through continually investing in our marriages together, and nurturing our Newlywed Love.



PS: I’d love to pray for you and your marriage! Leave a comment below or email me directly at NewlywedLoveBlog@writeme.com